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Latvia bans entry of cars with Belarusian plates starting July 16

Latvia bans entry of cars with Belarusian plates starting July 16 Illustrative photo (Facebook)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Starting from Tuesday, July 16, after midnight, individuals with cars registered in Belarus are prohibited from entering the European Union through the Latvian-Belarusian and Latvian-Russian border crossing points, the State Revenue Service of Latvia informs.

"To reduce the risks of circumventing sanctions, the European Union has largely brought the sanctions imposed on Belarus in line with those imposed on Russia by approving the 8th package of sanctions against Belarus," the statement says.

Thus, imports from Belarus of goods that allow Belarus to diversify its sources of income and thus participate in the Russian aggression against Ukraine are now prohibited. Among other things, this applies to cars.

Therefore, to ensure the implementation of EU sanctions, Latvia has banned entry into the country by vehicles registered in Belarus since July 16.

At the same time, the entry ban does not apply to vehicles intended for use by diplomatic and consular missions, including delegations, embassies, and missions during their travels.

Sanctions against Belarus

Earlier, the European Council decided to extend sanctions against Belarus over its support for Russian aggression in Ukraine.

The EU explained that this step is aimed at preventing the circumvention of sanctions imposed on Russia because of the close economic integration between the two countries.