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Lady Gaga's performance at 2024 Olympics opening turns into controversy: What is known

Lady Gaga's performance at 2024 Olympics opening turns into controversy: What is known Lady Gaga's performance at the Olympics (screenshot)

The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics has begun in Paris. Lady Gaga delivered a spectacular performance with a French song. Additionally, the singer has found herself in a scandal.

How Gaga performed and why she is facing backlash online is discussed by RBC-Ukraine.

Lady Gaga's performance at the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony

The singer appeared on an improvised stage in a black bodysuit and performed a song in French. She danced, played the piano, and even managed to partially change her concert outfit a few times.

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталося

Lady Gaga in Paris (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталосяLady Gaga in Paris (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталося

Lady Gaga in Paris (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталосяLady Gaga in Paris (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

While fans are thrilled with the singer's performance, the French have begun to express their frustration.

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталося

Lady Gaga at the Olympics (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталосяLady Gaga at the Olympics (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталосяLady Gaga at the Olympics (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

Виступ Леді Гаги на відкритті Олімпіади-2024 обернувся скандалом: що сталосяLady Gaga at the Olympics (screenshots: Suspilne Sport broadcast)

The thing is, French citizens have expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the Olympics in Paris are being opened by an artist from the USA. Some users believe she sang with an accent.

Moreover, some argue that the performer should have been an artist from France.

"Does France not have any singers? Why is Lady Gaga the best choice for singing in French?" — quotes the opinion of dissatisfied viewers from LADbibl.

Meanwhile, it has also been revealed that Lady Gaga did not receive any payment for her performance. Neither she nor Celine Dion, who is also set to appear at the Olympics opening, will be able to earn money from these performances.

"Contrary to some media reports, the performers at the Paris 2024 Games ceremonies will not receive a fee for their performance," the organizers stated.

Broadcast of the Olympics opening

Sources: materials from LADbibl, the ceremony broadcast, and a post from X (formerly Twitter) user danicomennta.