ua en ru

Kyiv drone strike: Casualties climb as 6 injured

Kyiv drone strike: Casualties climb as 6 injured Photo: six people have been injured in Kyiv due to the Russian attack on a high-rise building (

The number of victims has risen after a drone strike hit an apartment building in Kyiv's Solomianskyi district, with six people now reported injured, according to the Kyiv Military Administration (KMA).

According to the report, "A young woman was killed. The multi-story residential building in Solomianskyi district sustained damage from the 17th to the 21st floors. A fire broke out in one of the apartments on the 20th floor. Later, rescuers found the body of the deceased in this apartment. In total, more than 100 people were evacuated from the building. Six individuals were injured, one of whom has been hospitalized."

Air raid in Kyiv lasts 7.5 hours

KMA stated that this was the 16th Russian attack on Kyiv in October. During the night, the Russian army again deployed drones.

"They were launched from southern and northeastern directions. The loitering munitions approached the capital in several waves. The air alert in the capital was announced three times from the evening through the night, totaling 7.5 hours," the administration added.

Military personnel detected and neutralized about ten Russian drones that posed a threat to Kyiv.

Russian attack on Kyiv high-rise

A drone struck a high-rise building in Kyiv's Solomianskyi district on October 25, injuring several civilians.

Initially, reports indicated two people were injured, but the number later rose to four after the Shahed drone attack. Additionally, a fatality was confirmed after the UAV struck the high-rise building in Kyiv's Solomianskyi district.