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Kyiv asks US for ATACMS strikes on Russian air bases, but targets have changed - Reuters

Kyiv asks US for ATACMS strikes on Russian air bases, but targets have changed - Reuters Kyiv changes the targets in Russia it plans to strike (photo: sill-www

From the very beginning, Kyiv asked the United States for ATACMS strikes on Russian air bases. However, now the targets for the strikes are different, reports Reuters.

According to the media outlet, Ukraine initially asked the United States to use long-range ATACMS missiles to hit Russian air bases, but now the potential targets for Ukrainian long-range strikes have expanded. In particular, they include:

  • Russian military command centers,
  • fuel and weapons depots,
  • places of troop concentration.

Anonymous sources have reported that Ukraine has provided the United States and the United Kingdom with a list of potential targets in Russia that could be hit by Western long-range weapons, if allowed.

As it became known, the targets changed after the Pentagon said that 90% of Russian aircraft launching glider bombs, which are one of the main threats to Ukraine, are located at airfields at least 300 kilometers from the territory controlled by Ukraine.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said that Ukraine had handed over a list of targets for ATACMS deep strikes on Russia to the United States.

At the same time, RBC-Ukraine reported where the Ukrainian Armed Forces could reach if the United States allowed Ukraine to strike at Russian territory.

RBC-Ukraine contacted a military expert to find out what could be behind the West's ban on missile strikes against Russia.