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Kirby couldn't hold back tears over Israel events: Emotional video

Kirby couldn't hold back tears over Israel events: Emotional video The Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the U.S. National Security Council in the White House, John Kirby (Getty Images)

The Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the U.S. National Security Council in the White House, John Kirby, struggled to hold his emotions while commenting on the events in Israel and the atrocities committed by Hamas militants.

A White House representative couldn't hold back tears when speaking to the press on Monday, October 9, after being asked about the footage of casualties resulting from an unexpected Hamas attack on Israel.

"I... I'm sorry... It is very... I'm sorry. It's very difficult to look at these images... at human casualties. These are people," he said.

As seen in the video, Kirby struggled to keep his composure, finding it difficult to speak and comment on the images of the deceased and injured.

"They are family members, friends, loved ones, cousins, brothers, sisters. Yes, it's difficult, and I apologize," he says holding tears.

Hamas' large-scale attack on Israel

On Saturday, October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to seize a number of populated areas, but by evening, Israeli military forces had regained control of most of the territory and struck military targets and Hamas headquarters in response.

Subsequently, Israel declared a state of war and the start of the counter-terrorism Operation Iron Swords.

Today, on October 10, leaders of the U.S., UK, Germany, France, and Italy issued a joint statement expressing their "unwavering and united" support for Israel and condemning the actions of Hamas.

Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine confirmed that two Ukrainian citizens had died as a result of the hostilities. Yesterday, it became known that diplomats had managed to evacuate an injured Ukrainian boy from the city of Sderot.