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Kirby about current stage of negotiations on security guarantees with Ukraine

Kirby about current stage of negotiations on security guarantees with Ukraine White House national security spokesman John Kirby (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Talks between Kyiv and Washington regarding security guarantees for Ukraine are ongoing. Currently, the Ukrainian side is focused on specifying its needs, according to the White House spokesperson for national security John Kirby.

According to him, regardless of when this war ends, regardless of how this war ends, Ukraine will still have a long border with Russia, and they will still have legitimate security needs.

"The United States will continue to support them as they clarify their needs, what those needs will look like," Kirby said.

John Kirby added that the United States is proud of the efforts of its government, which are aimed at supporting Ukraine in building its current potential for strength.

He also noted that nine other countries have concluded negotiations with Ukraine on a bilateral security agreement.

"We're all working on the same thing - trying to create what we can call a bilateral security arrangement," said the White House representative.

Security guarantees for Ukraine from the US

At the end of April, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is working with the US to conclude a 10-year security guarantee agreement. Work is already underway on the specific text of the document.

In turn, US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland clarified that the US is ready to discuss any security assurances for Ukraine. According to her, everything is being done to prevent a repeat of Russia's invasion.

At the moment, it is known that Head of the Office of the President Andrii Yermak has already held the third round of negotiations with the US regarding the security guarantee agreement for Ukraine. The parties particularly noted significant progress.