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Kim Jong Un executes dozens of officials over flooding in North Korea

Kim Jong Un executes dozens of officials over flooding in North Korea Photo: Kim Jong Un, leader of the DPRK (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed several dozen officials. This happened after a flood swept through the country, according to Bloomberg.

According to media reports, around 30 officials were executed in August in areas affected by the flood. It is reported that several thousand people may have died or been injured due to the flooding. The most severe destruction occurred in Jagang Province.

In July, Kim Jong Un stated that he would severely punish those who "severely neglected" their duties and were therefore responsible for the casualties caused by the flood. At that time, North Korean media showed images of Kim Jong Un overseeing rescue operations after the natural disaster, but they did not report on the fatalities.

At the end of July, heavy rains caused the Yalu River, which flows between China and North Korea, to overflow. According to open sources, the flood destroyed over 4,000 homes and 3,000 hectares of farmland in the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County.

North Korea reported the evacuation of 5,000 people but did not disclose the number of victims.

Kim Jong Un has been the supreme leader of North Korea since 2011, known for his authoritarian rule, repression, and tight control over the media. Under his leadership, the country's nuclear program has been actively developed. He also maintains close relations with Vladimir Putin, collaborating in economic and military spheres.

Previously, RBC-Ukraine reported that Kim Jong Un's daughter, Ju-ae, is being prepared as the successor to the North Korean dictator.