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July 30 horoscope: Best practices and warnings from astrologer

July 30 horoscope: Best practices and warnings from astrologer Top astrological tips for July 30 (illustration:

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova has prepared a forecast for July 30. On this day, the Moon's energy should be given special attention.

Soloviova shared the key prohibitions for this Wednesday and what should be avoided on July 30.

Key advice for July 30:

“This is an unfavorable day for dental procedures, getting married, or breaking off relationships. Active actions and haste are not recommended. Ignoring the day’s recommendations may lead to health issues,” the astrologer warned.

However, this day is favorable for:

  • Starting new endeavors and making important decisions
  • Surgical procedures
  • Visiting the hairdresser
  • Making deals
  • Signing important documents
  • Long-distance travel

This day provides an opportunity to gain wisdom about earthly life through external manifestations and working with the subconscious, noted the astrologer.

“Everyone has an inner voice, and on this day, it is especially clear. The main condition for understanding it is a firm belief in the evolution of your soul and mission in life,” she added.

On Wednesday, avoid conflicts with others: it will disrupt communication, and information will be misinterpreted, which will further complicate the situation.

Engage in self-improvement, family matters, and construction-related issues. Fasting and cleansing practices, cleaning the home, and visiting the bathhouse or sauna can be beneficial.

July 30 horoscope: Best practices and warnings from astrologer

Horoscope for July 30 (illustration:

What July 30 brings

“July 30 is a Tuesday, ruled by Mars, the planet of activity, determination, enthusiasm, courage, and a fighting spirit. It is a favorable time for those with an entrepreneurial flair, commercial instinct, organizational talent, and money-making skills,” Soloviova stated.

This is especially relevant for fields related to literature, science, automobiles, and travel.

According to the astrologer, you can enhance Martian energy by using red colors and their shades. Enjoy spicy foods with garlic if your health permits, adds Soloviova.

It is not necessary to completely give up meat, coffee, or tea. Also, you should:

  • Forgive those who have wronged you and avoid offending others
  • Dedicate some time to physical activities and workouts, and participate in sports competitions (even symbolic ones)
  • Try to diversify your sex life
  • Watch your favorite content related to heroism, feats, achievements, high results, and triumphant victories
  • Do not be afraid to stand up against aggression, and consider taking a vitamin course to support your energy levels.

July 30 horoscope: Best practices and warnings from astrologer

Astro tips for Wednesday (illustration:

Moon in Gemini - What to expect

“On July 30, from 2:39 PM to 4:25 PM, the Moon, which governs our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, mood, sensitivity, vulnerability, and emotional volatility, will be in the royal degree of Gemini,” Soloviova explained.

Such degrees create a factor of luck, success, and satisfaction with life.

This degree in Gemini, explains the astrologer, is considered royal, elegant, and aristocratic, promising the acquisition of wealth without much effort. It aids in gaining both material and spiritual values.

This degree also supports success in any affairs, manages contacts, sociability, insight, foresight, mental activity, and intellectual processes.

“An intellectual degree that brings happiness in any business sphere. Particularly favorable for various societies, associations, alliances, and unions based on collegial activity,” summarized Soloviova.

Additionally, a Tarot horoscope for the week has already appeared.