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Journalists from Radio Svoboda come under Russian shelling in Bakhmut direction

Journalists from Radio Svoboda come under Russian shelling in Bakhmut direction Photo: journalists from Donbas. Realii came under Russian shelling in the Bakhmut direction (Radio Svoboda)

The filming crew of the project Donbas. Realii (Donbas. Realities) Radio Svoboda came under fire while shooting military footage in the Bakhmut direction on October 10. One of the journalists sustained a concussion, Radio Svoboda (Radio Liberty) reports.

According to reports, correspondent Roman Pahulych and cameraman Pavlo Kholodov were filming the work of FPV operators when Russian forces struck Ukrainian positions with artillery.

The first shell landed near Pahulych and the soldiers he was communicating with.

As a result of the shelling, the journalist sustained a concussion (acoustic trauma), while two soldiers received minor injuries. Kholodov was unharmed by the shrapnel.

It is noted that all those injured were transported to a stabilization point, where they received first aid.

Pahulych stated that the ballistic protection of the neck area on his bulletproof vest stopped one of the shell fragments.

Currently, there is no threat to the lives of the injured soldiers and members of the Donbas. Realities filming crew.

Journalists from Radio Svoboda come under Russian shelling in Bakhmut direction

Photo: Journalists of Donbas. Realii came under fire from Russia in the Bakhmut direction (Radio Svoboda)

Journalists from Radio Svoboda come under Russian shelling in Bakhmut direction

Photo: Journalists of Donbas. Realii came under fire from Russia in the Bakhmut direction (Radio Svoboda)

On August 25, a Polish journalist was injured in Kramatorsk due to shelling by Russian forces. She was covering the war between Russia and Ukraine there.

Journalists from the American agency Reuters were also injured as a result of the same shelling.