Jerusalem terror attack: Death toll rises, Hamas claims responsibility

As a result of the shooting at a bus stop in Jerusalem, the number of casualties has risen to three, with six people sustaining injuries, according to The Times of Israel.
Hamas militants have claimed responsibility for the morning terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
In a statement, the terror group hails the two perpetrators, brothers Murad (38) and Ibrahim (30) Nemer, from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher, calling them “jihad-waging martyrs.”
The attack resulted in the death of three Israelis: 24-year-old Livia Dickman, 73-year-old rabbinical judge Elimelech Wasserman, and Hannah Ifergan, who was in her 60s. The two perpetrators got out of a vehicle at around 7:40 a.m. and opened fire at people at a bus stop.
According to the police, two soldiers and an armed civilian nearby returned fire, killing the two terrorists.
In its statement claiming responsibility for the attack, Hamas notes that it is a response to Israel's war against the terrorist group in the Gaza Strip and the killing of two children in West Bank's Jenin yesterday.
War in Israel
In early October, Hamas militants staged a large-scale invasion of Israel. During the attack, they killed and kidnapped both military and civilians. Subsequently, Israel announced an operation against the terrorists.
IDF fighters reached the Hamas command post at Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip and destroyed hundreds of underground tunnels in Gaza. The Israeli military also detonated the parliament building in Gaza, used by Hamas militants.
On the night of November 23, Israel approved an agreement with Hamas for the release of hostages abducted in the Gaza Strip. The deal includes a temporary ceasefire.