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Italy offers €30,000 for people willing to move to rural areas

Italy offers €30,000 for people willing to move to rural areas What conditions must be met to move to Italy and receive money (photo:
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Italy has extended its financial incentive program for relocation to small towns. The program now includes nine locations with populations of up to 2,000 people in three regions. The Italian government is offering a substantial sum for moving to these areas, reports Daily Mail.

The fight against depopulation in small towns in Italy continues. There is now an opportunity to receive a 30,000-euro grant for relocating to one of the picturesque villages in three different regions: Calabria, Presicce-Acquarica, and Sardinia.

The population of small towns in these regions has steadily declined due to the migration of young Italians who move to large cities or work abroad.

Conditions for receiving the grant:

  • All candidates must be under 40 years of age;
  • Relocation must occur within 90 days after the application is accepted;
  • After relocating, each new resident must start a business that will benefit the local community or take a job in a profession that the local community cannot fill.

Італія готова виплатити будь-кому 30 тисяч євро за переїзд у село, але є умови

Calabria (photo: Wikipedia)

Those who meet all three conditions will be eligible to receive 30,000 euros either as a lump sum or in monthly installments. Business options to be created include hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, restaurants, and shops.

The Italian authorities emphasize that small towns represent a true territorial identity, and halting their decline is crucial.

Італія готова виплатити будь-кому 30 тисяч євро за переїзд у село, але є умови

Sardinia (photo: Wikipedia)

“We want to make demand for jobs meet supply. That’s why we’ve asked villages to tell us what type of professionals they’re missing to attract specific workers. We’ve had a huge interest from villages, and hopefully, if this first scheme works, more will follow in the coming years,” said Councillor Gianluca Gallo.

Італія готова виплатити будь-кому 30 тисяч євро за переїзд у село, але є умови

Calabria (photo: Wikipedia)

In Presicce-Acquarica, in addition to the 30,000 euros, there is an opportunity to receive an additional 1,000 euros for each newborn child.

In Sardinia, the funds must be spent on purchasing or renovating a house, and the recipient must become a permanent resident for at least 18 months.

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