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Italian Senate approves arms deliveries to Ukraine until end of 2024

Italian Senate approves arms deliveries to Ukraine until end of 2024 Archive photo: The Italian Senate has approved arms supplies to Ukraine until the end of 2024 (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On Wednesday, January 24, the Italian Senate approved further arms supplies to Ukraine. They will last at least until the end of 2024, according to ANSA.

This decision was supported by 113 MPs, while 18 were against. There were no abstentions. Next, the Chamber of Deputies is to vote on the decision. The aid will be provided until December 31, 2024.

The agency notes that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is unwavering in her intention to help Ukraine.

However, the opposition Five Star Movement opposes further arms shipments to Ukraine.

Italy's assistance to Ukraine

In December 2023, the Italian government passed a resolution allowing the country to provide military support to Ukraine until the end of 2024.

Reuters recently reported that Italy hopes to use its G7 presidency to challenge the growing perception that Russia is winning in Ukraine.