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Israeli military 'close' to destroying Hamas infrastructure in northern Gaza, IDF reports

Israeli military 'close' to destroying Hamas infrastructure in northern Gaza, IDF reports Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Israeli military is close to dismantling the military system of Hamas in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, states the Chief of Staff of the IDF, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi.

"We are quite close to destroying the [Hamas] military system that existed in the northern Gaza Strip," he stated.

Halevi adds that the IDF intends to continue its operations in the Gaza Strip if permitted "in more and more areas, and going to kill [Hamas] commanders and operatives and destroy the infrastructure."

Israel's war with Hamas

In early October, Hamas militants launched a large-scale incursion into Israel, killing and kidnapping both military and civilian inhabitants. In response, Israel declared a military operation against the militants called Operation "Iron Swords."

As part of this, the IDF expanded its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, deploying troops and equipment to the region.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, Hamas lost control of the northern part of the Gaza Strip as tens of thousands of people crossed to the southern side.