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Israel struck several Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Israel struck several Hezbollah targets in Lebanon Israeli military struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon (photo:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attacked multiple targets of the radical Hezbollah group located in southern Lebanon across three districts, according to the IDF's Telegram channel.

According to a post from the Israeli military, the attack targeted military structures and infrastructure of the Hezbollah organization. Specifically, the following were struck:

  • Hezbollah military structure in the areas of Kfar Kela and Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon.
  • Hezbollah infrastructure in the areas of Aitaroun and Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon.

Additionally, the IDF released video footage of the strikes on these targets.

Israel's strikes on Hezbollah

Hezbollah (Party of God or Party of Allah, taken from the Quran) is a Lebanese Shiite organization that is both militarized and a political party, advocating for the creation of an Islamic state in Lebanon. The organization's stated goal is to militarily respond to what it perceives as Israel's occupation of parts of Lebanon.

It's important to note that Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization by the governments of several countries, including the European Union.

Israel and Lebanon frequently accuse each other of attacks within their respective territories. With the beginning of the IDF's ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah fighters have increased their attacks on Israeli territory. In turn, the IDF claims strikes on terrorist targets in Lebanon.

Earlier reports indicated that in April, the Israel Defense Forces struck a large Hezbollah weapons manufacturing facility in Lebanon. Additionally, on April 15, the IDF conducted airstrikes on two Hezbollah bases in Lebanon using military aviation. A few days later, Israeli Air Force jets targeted Hezbollah infrastructure in eastern Lebanon.

Furthermore, on June 11, the IDF reported airstrikes on multiple Hezbollah targets in the Baalbek and Aitaroun areas of Lebanon. On July 12, several Hezbollah members were eliminated due to Israeli strikes on Lebanon.