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Israel reports ceasefire violation by Hamas militants

Israel reports ceasefire violation by Hamas militants Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Fighters from Hamas violated the ceasefire with Israel. They attacked Israeli soldiers during the period of cessation of hostilities, reports the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

According to the IDF, three explosive devices were set off near Israeli soldiers in different locations in the northern Gaza Strip, "in violation of the truce agreements."

Additionally, IDF soldiers returned fire during one of the incidents.

'In both cases, IDF forces were within agreed-upon ceasefire lines,' the Israel Defense Forces added.

Meanwhile, Hamas's military wing accused Israeli soldiers of allegedly breaking the ceasefire first, leading to the clashes.

Ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

On Friday, November 24, Israel and Hamas initiated a four-day ceasefire. During the ceasefire, militants are supposed to release at least 50 women and children.

Yesterday, on November 27, the White House announced that the parties had agreed to extend the ceasefire for two more days.

For more details on the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, you can refer to the material from RBC-Ukraine.