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Israel not interested in major war in Middle East - Ambassador

Israel not interested in major war in Middle East - Ambassador Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Israel is not interested in a major war in the Middle East, states Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky. The country hopes that Iran and Hezbollah are not interested in it either, as a full-scale attack on Israel would be very costly for them.

"We are not interested in a major war in the Middle East. We hope that Iran and Hezbollah are not interested either because they will certainly pay a very high price for a full-scale attack on Israel," he said.

And, according to the ambassador, this price will be paid not only by Hezbollah but, unfortunately, it will also be paid by the country where Hezbollah operates, Lebanon.

"This is a country with an unfortunate fate, unfortunately, which is torn apart by internal conflicts, ethnic and religious. Nevertheless, this country is responsible for the threat that comes from its territory to Israel," Brodsky added.

At the same time, according to the ambassador, there is always a risk of a really big war in the Middle East, and Israel is ready for such a scenario.

"For many years we have been preparing for the possibility of war on several fronts. Yes, unfortunately, the tragedy of October 7 occurred, for which we were obviously not ready, obvious miscalculations were made, and we still have to work on our mistakes and understand why this happened. But in general, we are ready for the threats coming from Iran, coming from Hezbollah, coming from Hamas, and we will do everything to protect Israelis, to protect Israel," he stated.

Situation in Israel

A new wave of deterioration in the situation in Israel occurred after Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in a guest house by a bomb.

After that, Iran threatened a "severe response" to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. World leaders, including the United States, are trying to prevent a new round of escalation in the Middle East.