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Israel narrows range of targets to respond to Iranian attack

Israel narrows range of targets to respond to Iranian attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo: Getty Images)

Israel has narrowed the range of targets in Iran to respond to the October 1 missile attack, reports NBC News. The list of targets preliminarily does not include Iran's nuclear facilities.

According to unnamed US officials, the Israeli response will target Iranian military and energy infrastructure. However, nuclear facilities, which have been a source of concern in the United States, are not among the targets. Although, as officials noted in a conversation with NBC, Israel has not yet made a final decision.

Washington does not know when Israel will retaliate against Iran, but it could happen at any time as soon as the order is given. US officials also do not know whether Israel has even agreed on a date.

At the same time, representatives of the United States and Israel, according to NBC, believe that a strike on Iran could occur during the Yom Kippur holiday, that is, today. Officials also noted that the United States is ready to protect its facilities in the region from any counterattack by Iran, but is unlikely to directly support Israel's operation.

Aggravation between Iran and Israel

In September, Israel, which has been at war for a year, began to strike at the facilities of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon. In particular, Israeli troops managed to eliminate the leader of Hezbollah, and later - his successor.

Iran, which supports Hezbollah, responded to the assassination of the organization's leader with a large-scale missile attack on Israel. Thus, Iran fired almost two hundred ballistic missiles at Israel.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant promised a “lethal, precise, and surprising” response to Iran's attack.

There were rumors in the media that Iran's nuclear facilities could be targeted in Israel's response. But US President Joe Biden has made it clear that the United States would not approve of such strikes.

To learn more about what is known about Israel's possible response to an Iranian attack, read RBC-Ukraine's article.