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Israel eliminates Hezbollah commander responsible for attack on stadium in Golan Heights

Israel eliminates Hezbollah commander responsible for attack on stadium in Golan Heights Photo: Israeli military (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Israel claims responsibility for the elimination of a Hezbollah commander who organized a strike on a soccer field in the Golan Heights in July, resulting in the deaths of 12 children, according to Sky News.

"Yesterday, acting on IDF intelligence, IAF fighter jets eliminated Khider al Shaebia, the terrorist who was responsible for the attack in Majdal Shams," the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported.

The IDF noted that Khider al Shaebia was in charge of the Har Dov area within the terrorist organization Hezbollah.

Additionally, the Israeli army stated that the killed commander was also responsible for "hundreds of rocket and anti-tank missile launches targeting IDF positions in Har Dov, Mount Hermon, and the northern Golan Heights."

Hezbollah has not yet commented on Israel's statement.

Attack on the stadium in the Golan Heights

On July 27, Hezbollah terrorists struck the city of Majdal Shams, located in the Golan Heights. A rocket hit a soccer field where many children were present.

Local media reported that this attack was the "deadliest" at that time.