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Israel eliminates head of Hamas air group - IDF

Israel eliminates head of Hamas air group - IDF IDF soldiers (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The IDF (Israeli Armed Forces) fighter jets successfully struck the head of the Hamas air group, Asem Abu Rakabi, according to the IDF press service.

Abu Rakaba was responsible for BALA, paragliders, airborne detection and air defense of the militants.

"He participated in the planning of the massacre in the settlements around the Gaza Strip on October 7. He led terrorists who infiltrated Israel by paragliders and was responsible for drone attacks on IDF posts," the IDF press service writes.

Situation in Israel

On October 7, Hamas militants attacked Israel. During the attack, the terrorists killed and abducted soldiers and civilians. In particular, the country was regularly shelled with rockets from the Gaza Strip.

Israel, for its part, launched an operation against the terrorists.

Already yesterday, October 27, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari announced the start of offensive activity in the Gaza Strip. After that, the Israeli Armed Forces began striking the territory. Later, it turned out that Israel decided to attack the Gaza Strip because Hamas refused to release all hostages.