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Israel Defense Forces urge residents to stock up on food and water for at least 72 hours

Israel Defense Forces urge residents to stock up on food and water for at least 72 hours Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Citizens of Israel, regardless of their place of residence, are required to have a supply of water and food for at least 72 hours, according to the IDF Home Front Command.

"The campaign may be long and it is important that each family ensure it has water, food, medicine, and necessary equipment for emergency situations," it says in a statement.

IDF representatives also recommend that people check where the nearest bomb shelter is located and ensure they have free access to it.

What exactly do residents of Israel need to stock up on

The command also recommends having three liters of water per person per day in secure rooms, supplies of non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, phones, and battery-powered radios, as well as chargers for mobile devices, first aid kits, medicines, and important documents such as ID and cash.

The army immediately notes that the instructions are not new and are always relevant.

Hamas Attack on Israel

On October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to capture a number of settlements, but by evening, Israeli forces had regained control of most of the territory and struck military targets and the Hamas headquarters in response.

Israel has declared a "state of war" and the beginning of the counter-terrorist operation Operation "Iron Swords."

During the first two days of the war, the IDF struck thousands of targets in the Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli army command emphasizes that this was only the beginning, as the IDF intends to destroy Hamas.

Today, Netanyahu said that Israel was in the midst of a battle, the country was about to change the Middle East, but the future battle would take time.