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Israel claims Hamas taken 'hostages and prisoners of war'

Israel claims Hamas taken 'hostages and prisoners of war' Hamas seized 'hostages and prisoners of war' (photo: Getty Images)

Militants from the Hamas criminal group, having infiltrated Israeli territory, have taken "hostages and prisoners of war," says Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, the Spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces.

"There are hostages and prisoners of war that Hamas took. There are also deaths among IDF soldiers. We don't have an exact number yet - we are at war," Hagari stated.

The HAMAS stance

Meanwhile, Hamas Deputy Chairman Saleh al-Arouri stated that the group had captured a "large number" of Israelis, including "senior officers."

However, these claims have not been confirmed or verified by Israel.

The situation in Israel

Today, Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip launched an attack on Israel. Tel Aviv declared its "readiness for war" in response to these actions.

All information regarding the morning attack by the Gaza Strip on Israeli territory can be found in the article by RBC-Ukraine.