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Iran, Russia and China to hold joint naval exercises

Iran, Russia and China to hold joint naval exercises Iran, Russia and China to hold joint naval exercises (Photo: Getty Images)

The commander of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Shahram Irani, announced that the military forces of Iran, Russia, and China are planning to conduct joint naval exercises in the coming weeks, according to the Tasnim agency.

Speaking at a naval base in the northern Iranian city of Bandar, Rear Admiral Irani said that the joint exercises would occur by the end of the current Iranian year (March 19).

He also mentioned that a number of other countries have been invited to participate in the joint exercises.

The military exercises will ensure "regional security and the realization of common interests," he added.

Axis of evil

In March 2023, the naval forces of Iran, China, and Russia conducted military exercises Maritime Security Belt 2023 in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. These were the fourth joint exercises between them in recent years.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Moscow received support from Iran and China, which continue to trade with it, while Tehran supplies weapons.

More details on the relations between countries can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article "Axis of evil under sanctions: How North Korea and Iran pivot to military rails and can Russia do the same?"