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International observers report significant election violations in Georgia

International observers report significant election violations in Georgia Significant election violations reported in Georgia (photo: Getty Images)

The parliamentary elections in Georgia were held with significant violations. This severely imperiled the democratic integrity of the electoral process, states the International mission of ENEMO

ENEMO noted that the elections in Georgia were held “in a polarized and restrictive environment that undermined inclusiveness, transparency, and fairness, which significantly jeopardized the democratic integrity of the electoral process.”

In particular, serious violations included violence against opposition members, intimidation of voters, smear campaigns against observers, and widespread abuse of administrative resources.

“The restrictive application of campaign rules limited competition, put significant pressure on civil society and the media, and reduced the space for criticism of the authorities,” said the head of the Mission, Zlatko Vujovic.

The Mission also expressed concern about the independence and impartiality of the CEC.

According to Vujovic, the elections took place in a highly polarized political context, exacerbated by disagreements over the legislature, especially in connection with the adoption of the law on “foreign agents” that sparked mass protests against the government.

A total of 216 complaints were filed with the election administration:

  • 78 regarding the activities of PECs,
  • abuse of administrative resources - 28,
  • violations in campaigning - 75.

Another 40 complaints remain under consideration, only 17 were satisfied, and the rest were rejected.

Elections in Georgia

Yesterday, on October 26, Georgia held parliamentary elections in which the pro-Russian Georgian Dream and pro-European opposition parties competed.

Georgian President Salome Zourabishvili made a statement about the possible outcome of the elections in Georgia. Shortly afterward, the Georgian Central Election Commission announced the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections.

According to preliminary data, the turnout was almost 60%.

Today, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said that a government will be formed in Georgia despite the opposition's objections.