Incompatible zodiac signs: Who is not suitable for each other in relationship?

There is a well-known phrase that "opposites attract". But does it really work? After all, if you conduct an astrological analysis, you can see that opposites are not always good, states Collective World.
Virgo and Libra
Virgos are practical perfectionists who will show their perseverance every day. They are realists and see things as they are, not through an ideal prism. Libras live with rose-colored glasses on: they want to romanticize everything and even take problems lightly.
Against this backdrop, conflicts arise between Libra and Virgo, because Virgo remains realistic, and Libra takes it personally, as they believe that positive things alone are enough to make everything okay.
Gemini and Scorpio
Geminis look like they're everywhere and they're always on top of everything. They have a mercurial nature and a lot of ideas. This behavior can be frightening for Scorpios, as they find it difficult to confide in anyone and keep everything to themselves, not sharing even with their closest friends.
Because of Gemini's impulsive and somewhat frivolous nature, Scorpio can never open up fully to receive the love they give. Their relationship is dynamic, spiky, and fun, but not without frequent conflicts.
Capricorn and Sagittarius
Capricorn is one of the most hardworking and ambitious signs of the zodiac. It is focused on long-term goals and is very responsible for all decisions it makes. People of this sign are calm, collected, and conscious. At the opposite end of the spectrum is Sagittarius, who is spontaneous, fun, adventurous, and creative.
The combination of Capricorn and Sagittarius is like a yin-yang, but even more complex. Where Capricorn wants to have a plan and act according to a schedule, Sagittarius does what he wants, when he wants, without too much planning. So for these two to get along, they're going to have to really try.
Also, read about 4 male zodiac signs that will not leave or cheat.