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In Latvia, famous athlete interrogated by special services because of joke about Russian citizenship

In Latvia, famous athlete interrogated by special services because of joke about Russian citizenship Athlete interrogated by special services because of joke about Russian citizenship (photo: Getty Images)

The State Security Service of Latvia summoned former Latvian boxing champion Nikita Smirnov for a conversation. The day before, he announced that he had received Russian citizenship, reports Delfi.

The Latvian Security Service reviewed the case but found no signs of a criminal act. A conversation was held with Smirnov, and he was warned of possible criminal liability in the event of criminal acts.

The agency noted that such public statements in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine do not meet the interests of Latvia's national security and create the impression of indirect support for Russian aggression.

On August 13, former Latvian boxing champion Nikita Smirnov announced on his Instagram that he had taken Russian citizenship. After a while, the athlete wrote that it was a joke.