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In Croatia, unknown persons set fire to dozens of ships: Ukrainians suspected

In Croatia, unknown persons set fire to dozens of ships: Ukrainians suspected Three Ukrainians are suspected of setting dozens of ships on fire (photo: Getty Images)

Police in the Croatian region of Istria are looking for three Ukrainians. They are suspected of setting a fire in the port of Medulin and destroying more than 30 ships.

“During the investigation of the criminal proceedings, it was established that three citizens of Ukraine, by prior conspiracy, arrived in Croatia from Poland on May 14 and parked their car in the Medulin area, from where they headed towards the port of Medulin,” the police said.

According to them, at about 3:40 am, while the other two attackers were on guard, one of the 25-year-olds slipped through the fenced part of the pier and headed for the pier. The suspect then threw a bottle of flammable liquid and started a fire that spread to 34 moored vessels, 22 of which burned down completely, while others were damaged by the fire.

Law enforcement is currently searching for three men. One is 28 and two are 25 years old.

The owners of the yachts and boats suffered material damage worth about two million euros. The police note that the attackers are not currently in Croatia.

The criminal case against them has been forwarded to the relevant state prosecutor's office.