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In Africa, 1200 new cases of monkeypox infection reported in week

In Africa, 1200 new cases of monkeypox infection reported in week In Africa, 1200 new cases of monkeypox infection reported in week (photo: Getty Images)

During the week, 1200 new cases of mpox virus infection, better known as monkeypox, were reported in Africa, according to Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

New cases have been detected in five African countries - Burundi, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Nigeria, and Rwanda. Twenty-four people died as a result of the infection. As noted, the analysis covers the period from August 9 to 16.

In total, since the beginning of 2024, 18,737 cases of infection have been reported in 12 African Union countries. As a result, 541 people died.

The first case of the contagious monkeypox virus was detected in Sweden a few days earlier. This happened after the WHO decided to declare the outbreak a global health emergency.

RBC-Ukraine wrote that the WHO urged the world to prepare for a new disease X.