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Impact of chronic sleep deprivation on body: Scientists' shocking findings

Impact of chronic sleep deprivation on body: Scientists' shocking findings Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

Scientists from Columbia University have discovered that a lack of sleep triggers an oxidative process leading to tissue damage, potentially causing various inflammations, according to the research results published in the journal Nature.

The average sleep duration recommended for adults is 7-9 hours per night, ideally falling asleep between 11:00 PM to midnight and waking up between 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

However, many individuals sleep for only five to six hours a day. Scientists have found that even a slight lack of sleep can impact vascular health. Chronic sleep deprivation lasting 5-6 weeks causes endothelial cells (blood vessel walls) to fill with oxidants.

Cells lacking sufficient rest are unable to trigger antioxidant reactions to halt this process. Only healthy, adequate sleep can halt the oxidation process. Inflammation of the endothelium increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and heart scarring.

Moreover, sleep deprivation poses a greater risk to women than men in terms of cardiovascular illness. Women are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases due to lack of sleep compared to men.

During a study involving thousands of women, participants initially slept according to their regular routines. In the second phase, they slept 1.5 hours later than usual. Sleep was tracked using a tracker.

The researchers found decreased expression of endothelial protein DCUN1D3 in the participants' blood, a protein involved in halting oxidation.

Therefore, a negative process occurs due to insufficient sleep. Disregarding sleep norms can lead to serious health deterioration and inflammation.

We also wrote about the 8 basic rules to follow for quality sleep.

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