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IDF says it can swiftly attack anywhere in Lebanon, Gaza and Middle East

IDF says it can swiftly attack anywhere in Lebanon, Gaza and Middle East Israeli army (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Israel is on high alert and ready to respond swiftly to any attack in the Middle East, according to IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi.

According to him, the Israeli army (IDF) is capable of launching a very rapid strike anywhere in Lebanon, Gaza, or the Middle East, both above and below ground.

"We will send a very clear message to our enemies, those who attack us, those who in every speech talk about how they seek to destroy the State of Israel. We will strike them, and we will continue to grow stronger," the general said.

He also added that the new leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, who was appointed head of the terrorist group's politburo after the assassination of Haniyeh, will not escape Israel's pursuit. On the contrary, he said, this change in position will spur Israel on to act.

"This title, a political one, will not absolve him of the fact that he is a murderer who was involved in the entire planning and execution of what happened on October 7," Halevi sad.

The IDF Chief emphasized that all efforts will be made to locate Sinwar, strike, and force Hamas to replace the head of its political bureau once again.

Iran has reconsidered its decision and may refrain from launching a large-scale attack on Israel. Meanwhile, the US still expects some reaction to the assassination of the Hamas leader.

At the same time, according to CNN sources, the Hezbollah group may strike Israel regardless of Iran's intentions. The attack is expected in the coming days.