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Hungarian Prime Minister's office states 'desire for peace' in response to Ukrainian operation in Kursk region

Hungarian Prime Minister's office states 'desire for peace' in response to Ukrainian operation in Kursk region Photo: Gergely Gulyás, chief of staff to the Hungarian Prime Minister (Getty Images)

Hungary calls for a ceasefire and peace between Ukraine and Russia after Ukrainian forces launched an operation in the Kursk region, states the chief of staff to the Hungarian Prime Minister, Gergely Gulyás.

The official was asked to comment on the Ukrainian advance in the Kursk region.

Gulyás responded that the Hungarian government supposedly "continues to advocate for peace."

"Ukraine is not only defending but also attacking. We want a ceasefire and peace," he cynically added.

What preceded

Ukrainian officials, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, have repeatedly emphasized that the goal of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region is to create a buffer zone.

At the same time, Ukrainian defenders, during their advance, are not destroying Russian settlements as the occupiers do in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine. This is evidenced by videos published online.

Another goal for Ukraine in the Kursk region is replenishing the prisoner exchange fund. Ukrainian forces are doing quite well in this task. According to Western media, several thousand Russian soldiers have already been taken prisoner.

Incidentally, Hungary continues to strengthen its relations with Russia despite the war in Ukraine. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recently visited Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the war. This occurred as part of his so-called peacekeeping tour.