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How your face changes with less than 7 hours of sleep: Study findings

How your face changes with less than 7 hours of sleep: Study findings How your face changes with less than 7 hours of sleep (photo: Freepik)

Medics constantly talk about the need for at least 7 hours of sleep every night. But in fact, the vast majority of people sleep less, which negatively affects both their health and appearance, reports Daily Mail.

Impact of sleep deprivation on appearance

The sleep study firm Simba used artificial intelligence to show what can happen to the face without enough sleep.

To create the images, Simba's staff first surveyed 2,000 Britons about their sleep patterns and the condition of their faces.

The results showed that over half of Britons sleep less than the recommended 7 hours per night, with people over 55 suffering the most.

As for the impact on appearance, female respondents reported noticing slight wrinkles and skin sagging after sleep deprivation, along with a tense and tired look.

Male respondents mentioned eye bags, dry skin, and a tired look when they don't get enough sleep.

How your face changes with less than 7 hours of sleep: Study findingsHow sleep deprivation affects appearance (photo: Simba)

It turns out age plays a notable role in these effects. While 12% of all participants suffering from sleep deprivation reported dry skin, this figure jumped to 20% among 18-24 year olds.

Moreover, almost a third of this age group had eye bags after a poor night's sleep, compared to 20% on average.

For older participants, dark circles were identified as the main side effect of sleep deprivation.

Based on these findings, researchers used AI to visualize how men and women of different ages with regular sleep deprivation would look.

The researchers emphasize that while genetics play a role in the aging process, regular sleep deprivation can worsen the situation.

How your face changes with less than 7 hours of sleep: Study findingsHow sleep deprivation affects appearance (photo: Simba)

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