How to survive in hellish heat

A heat wave hits part of Europe and Ukraine in particular. Heat sometimes reaches +38°C, like in Cairo.
RBC-Ukraine tells how to survive, according to Ukrainian nutritionist Oksana Skytalinska.
How to survive the heat
Drink everything cool, add salt to the water, especially if you sweat. Hot tea is also okay, as it helps you sweat faster and thus lower your body temperature. Green and black, each has its own benefits.
Eat foods that are digested quickly
This is the food that the body does not need to spend effort and a lot of digestive enzymes to digest - cold vegetable soups, tomato gazpacho, okroshka (you can have it without meat, but with more boiled eggs, or a little boiled finely chopped meat), cold vegetable soups - beetroot, or from different vegetables.
Do not overload the digestive system
Do not overfill the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver: fried pies, pasties, donuts, fried meat, fish, fatty foods with cream, and rich broths.
Such foods worsen blood redistribution and take it away from the skin, from the capillaries that regulate thermoregulation (sweating) and direct it to digestion.
Eat potassium and magnesium
They are lost at high temperatures, which can lead to weakness. You can have them in tablets or supplements. There is a lot of potassium in vegetable broth: just boil the potatoes and don't pour out the water. Or baked potatoes (cooled).
Eat in the morning and evening
When it's cool. In the afternoon, drink water, fruit drink, ayran, eat vegetables and fruits, mashed vegetables, chilled stews.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods
These are berries, greens, and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage or arugula salad). Under stress (and heat is stressful), the body has a lower resistance to infections.
Forget about store-bought sweets
Cakes, pastries, pastries - a combination of a large amount of unhealthy sugars (and in large quantities), saturated fats, and trans fats, have a bad effect on the liver, brain, and metabolism. Choose fruit ice if you want ice cream.
Wash your hands before eating
Summer food poisoning is a serious condition. Wash all fruits, vegetables, and berries in the same way.
Protect your head
Wear a hat or scarf, even if you are going out for a short time. Protect your retinas as well - do not go out without wearing glasses with a UV filter.
Physical activity
Exercise in an air-conditioned room, either in the morning or in the evening when it is cool outside.
Check out also 10 tips to avoid catching cold from air conditioner at home and in office.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.