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How to speed up bruise healing: Doctor's advice

How to speed up bruise healing: Doctor's advice Illustrative photo (depositphotos)
Author: Maria Kholina

A bruise is a skin injury caused by the rupture of capillaries beneath the skin's surface. This leads to a characteristic change in color, tenderness, and sometimes swelling.

Pediatrician Daryna Vlasenko shared some tips on how to speed up bruise healing.

About bruises

Bruises don't always appear at the site of injury, as gravity can cause them to show up elsewhere. Most bruises are harmless and disappear on their own over time.

Stages of a bruise:

  • A red raised bump that hurts
  • After 2 days, the bruise turns blue or even black
  • After 5-10 days, the bruise turns green or yellowish
  • After 10-14 days, it becomes light brown and gradually fades over time

How to speed up bruise healing

If there is external bleeding along with the bruise, try to stop the bleeding before addressing the bruise itself. If possible, elevate the injured area above heart level. Keep the injured area at rest to avoid re-injury.

Apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Repeat several times over the first day or two after the injury. This helps reduce swelling and pain.

What not to do

Do not apply ice directly to the skin. It is dangerous to use raw meat or apply it to the eyes or other parts of the body, as it may contain bacteria. If you don't have ice, it is safer to use a bag of frozen vegetables rather than meat.

After 48 hours, switch to a warm compress to improve circulation and help the body absorb the hematoma. For children, this method is suitable only if the child is agreeable.

Take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, as they can help manage pain and inflammation. Follow the recommended doses.

Do not take aspirin (unless prescribed for another condition), as it can worsen bruising. Children under 16 should not take aspirin.

The most pain will occur in the first few days after the injury. Avoid massaging the affected area immediately after the injury. If the bruise is swollen, apply an elastic bandage, but not too tightly. Do not puncture the bruise with a needle to release excess blood.

Do not apply iodine grid, honey, urine, etc., to the bruise.

By the way, pharmacy methods can speed up healing, but it is not well-proven. Generally, a bruise heals on its own within two weeks.