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How to properly store food outdoors

How to properly store food outdoors What mistakes you shouldn't make with food outdoors (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Summer vacations outdoors can be wonderful. However, the heat leads to rapid food spoilage and poisoning. Therefore, it is important to know what mistakes to avoid, according to Huffpost website.

Food poisoning peaks during the summer months, especially July and August.

The link between warm weather and poisoning occurs because heat is a favorable condition for bacterial growth.

Food scientist Bryan Quoc Le said that as the temperature rises, the growth rate of microorganisms accelerates.

Experts named some of the biggest potential dangers during open-air events.

Insufficient heat treatment of meat

Bacteria such as salmonella, which cause the biggest foodborne problems, are usually associated with raw meat and poultry. The best way to prevent illness is to make sure all your meat is cooked to the right temperature.

When you grill, keep a thermometer nearby. Color and texture are not reliable indicators of food safety. Meat should be cooked to the proper internal temperature and checked with a food thermometer.

When the meat is cooked, do not put it back on the plate where there is still juice from the raw meat.

Storing food at room temperature

Outdoor food should be stored with plenty of ice and in a properly insulated place, such as a refrigerator.

Do not leave food at room temperature for more than two hours. Bacteria can grow at room temperature every 15-20 minutes.


Salads containing eggs can be dangerous because eggs can be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

The bacteria primarily grow on eggs, potatoes, and pasta.

If you have prepared salads containing these ingredients until serving, keep them in the refrigerator or in a thermal bag. If the salad is left out in the sun for even an hour, it will spoil quickly.

Store fruit properly

Fresh, thick-skinned fruits such as watermelons, melons or apples can be stored at room temperature for several days if they are whole.

Condiments and sauces should be kept in closed containers and resealed after use.