How to outwit fate: 8 ways to survive plane crash

Many people are afraid of flying because of the fear of an airplane crash. If you want to overcome this fear, know that you have a chance of surviving a plane crash if you follow these recommendations.
Choose large airplanes
If you have a choice of which airliner to fly on, choose the largest model. According to research by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), large aircraft absorb more kinetic energy during a crash, which increases the chances of passengers surviving. Given the technical characteristics of such aircraft, they are generally less susceptible to serious damage in the event of a crash.
Choose safe seats
A seat that will not be damaged in a crash is the safest, but it is impossible to predict which part of the airplane will be damaged. Therefore, choose a seat near an emergency exit to increase your chances of survival.
According to Ed Gali, a professor of mathematical modeling at the University of Greenwich, passengers sitting no further than five rows from the exit usually had a better chance of survival. This arrangement allows you to evacuate quickly if necessary.
Dress appropriately
Choosing the right clothing can increase your chances of being protected from injury in an airplane crash. Choose clothes made of natural materials such as cotton or wool, as synthetic fabrics can catch fire quickly. In addition, shoes should be comfortable so that you can quickly leave the disaster site. Such clothing will not only protect you from burns but also provide comfort during evacuation.
Read the safety instructions
Reading safety instructions may seem trivial, but it can save your life. As a rule, such instructions contain exit layouts, which are important to study before the flight so that you can quickly find your way to safety if necessary. It is also important to pay attention to the emergency information provided before takeoff.
The main thing in a plane crash is to stay calm and not panic (photo: Freepik)
3 minutes after takeoff and 8 minutes before landing
According to statistics, it is during these 11 minutes that most accidents occur. Therefore, it is important to remain alert and attentive during takeoff and landing, not to sleep or drink alcohol to maintain concentration and the ability to respond to any situation. This period is the most critical, so special attention to safety is very important.
Fasten your seat belt
This rule should not be ignored. The seat belt should be fastened not only during takeoff and landing but also throughout the flight, as sudden maneuvers can lead to unforeseen situations. Additionally, it protects you from injury during severe turbulence.
Take the right position
Maintaining the correct body position in an emergency landing can reduce the risk of injury. If there is a seat in front of you, wrap your arms around it and press your head against the backrest. If there is no seat, bend over and put your arms around your knees. This minimizes the stress on your neck and spine during an impact.
Stay calm
It's not easy, but it's very important not to panic. In the event of an accident, you must take the initiative and act quickly to increase your chances of being rescued. Remember that your life depends on you. Calmness will help you make smart decisions quickly and act in a critical situation.
Earlier, we wrote about 10 not-so-pleasant facts about air travel that are hidden from passengers.
Sources:, Lifehacker, Wikipedia.