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How to eat slower: Effective advice from nutritionist

How to eat slower: Effective advice from nutritionist Illustrative photo (Unsplash)
Author: Maria Kholina

Healthy eating is not just about what we consume but also how we do it. It is important to eat slowly because the process of feeling full does not happen in two minutes. Only after 15-20 minutes will you feel that you are satiated, according to dietitian Nataliia Samoilenko.

How to eat slowly

Avoid severe hunger

It's difficult to eat slowly when you're very hungry. To avoid this, it's worth keeping healthy snacks nearby.

Eat foods that need to be chewed

Focus on fibrous foods that need to be chewed for a long time, such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Drink water

Drinking water can slow down digestion by diluting the enzymes that break down food in the body. This effect is especially noticeable if you suffer from digestive disorders like gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Control time

Set a kitchen timer for 20 minutes and try not to finish your meal before this time.

Turn off gadgets

Try to avoid electronic devices such as TV and smartphones during meals.

Give yourself time

Change takes time.