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How often you should change soil in houseplants

How often you should change soil in houseplants When to change the soil in pots (illustrative photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

If you want your houseplants to thrive, they need to be in a nutrient-rich environment where they get enough water, sun, and air. However, over time, plants use up almost all of the nutrients and organic materials in the soil, according to Martha Stewart.

How often to replace the soil

According to florists, it depends on the plant. Houseplants that grow quickly, such as pothos and African violets, benefit from annual repotting and replacing the soil with fresh soil.

At the same time, plants that grow slowly, such as cacti, sansevieria (or mother-in-law's tongue), can be repotted every one and a half to two years.

When to replace the soil

Spring is considered the best time to transplant indoor plants into fresh soil. At this time, there is a lot of sunlight, so the plants will significantly increase root growth, which necessitates transplanting them into a larger pot.

However, repotting is also necessary in other cases:

  • the plant looks dried up and “pops” out of the pot when you pull lightly on the stem;
  • you water the plant and the water runs to the bottom of the pot, which means that there are no organic materials left to retain moisture;
  • the plants are growing poorly and begin to look slightly yellowish;
  • the soil becomes too hard to the touch;
  • you see a lot of roots growing out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.

How to replace the soil of a houseplant

When you're ready to replace your plant's soil, we recommend following these tips:

  • squeeze the plant pot slightly if it is plastic;
  • place your hand on the soil - around the stem of the plant - and turn it upside down to remove the pot, leaving the entire soil profile in your hands;
  • carefully remove any clumps of soil that come off easily where there are no roots.
  • You can also clean the pot. Choose a soil type that is suitable for the type of plant, using drainage if necessary. Fill the soil so that a small part of the stem is underground.

In addition, it is not recommended to use garden soil - this filler is too dense for potted plants. Garden soil may also contain clay or sand, which will not allow the roots of the plant to receive enough oxygen.

When to change the plant pot

If the size of the plant has not changed, you can use the same pot, but you should change the soil. If you want to give the plant more room to grow, you should use a new pot that is no more than 4-8 cm larger than the one it is currently in.

Don't put a small plant in a pot that is too big - it will be difficult for the plant to get enough air.