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How many Ukrainians plan to return home from Germany: Survey

How many Ukrainians plan to return home from Germany: Survey Ukrainian refugees in Germany (GettyImages)

Almost 40% of Ukrainians with temporary protection in Germany plan to return to Ukraine. Only 9% of refugees want to stay there permanently, according to the EWL Migration Platform.

One in five wants to return to Ukraine before the end of the war

A total of 39% of Ukrainian refugees in Germany plan to return to Ukraine in the near or distant future. These results come from the "From Poland to Germany. New Trends in Ukrainian Refugee Migration" study conducted by the EWL platform and the Center for Eastern European Studies at the University of Warsaw on behalf of the Polish Prime Minister's Office.

At least 35% of surveyed Ukrainians want to stay in Germany for a year, and 9% want to stay permanently. 18% are willing to return before the end of the war. 22% of respondents are indecisive about their plans.

"The number of Ukrainians living in Germany in 2021 was relatively small, around 150,000. Just a year and a half after the full-scale invasion, this number has grown sixfold. This has been a challenge but also an opportunity for the German labor market," said Michalina Selevich, the Director of International Development at EWL.

What motivates Ukrainians to return home

The key factors that Ukrainians mention include

  • Ukraine's realistic prospects of NATO (60%) and EU (55%) membership.
  • Reuniting with family members who have stayed in Ukraine (59%).
  • Increased pay and improved working conditions (55%).

More than a third (35%) mentioned tax benefits and low-cost loans as important factors. State support in rebuilding or returning to their apartment or house will be decisive for 30% of respondents. Simple terms for opening and running a business will motivate 26% of those surveyed.

Previously, it was reported what assistance would be available for Ukrainian refugees to voluntarily return from Czechia.