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House of Representatives warns Biden he could imperil Democrats - Media

House of Representatives warns Biden he could imperil Democrats - Media Photo: Biden warned of risks to Democrats (GettyImages)

Senate Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Majority Leader Charles Schumer called on US President Joe Biden not to jeopardize the Democratic Party's ability to win the congressional elections, according to The Washington Post.

According to sources, the majority and minority leaders of the House told him this during a private meeting.

Journalists report that Biden, Jeffries, and Schumer spoke on July 11 and 13, respectively.

It is noted that during the talks, congressional leaders discussed their concerns with the current American president that his continued participation in the race would ease the Republican Party's chances of gaining a majority in both chambers in the elections.

The agency also noted that another person from Biden's close circle directly told the president about withdrawing his candidacy, emphasizing that this was the only way to preserve his political legacy and save the country from another term of Republican Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Biden responded that he categorically disagrees with this opinion, as he considers himself the best candidate to defeat Trump.

During their meetings, White House representative Andrew Bates reported that Biden told Schumer and Jeffries that he would remain in the race.

After the meetings, Democratic Party leaders released brief statements acknowledging only the fact of the meetings but not disclosing their content.


Recall that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe the current US president should withdraw from the presidential election and nominate another candidate. A poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research evidences this.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that Biden allowed the possibility of withdrawing from the elections due to health problems.

As it became known today, on Wednesday, July 17, US President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19.