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Biden shares conditions for possible withdraw from US presidential election

Biden shares conditions for possible withdraw from US presidential election US President Joe Biden (Phoro: Getty Images)

Current US President Joe Biden, in an interview with CBS News, has stated that he might withdraw from this year's presidential election due to health issues.

The American leader noted that he is ready to withdraw from the presidential race if doctors indicate health problems.

"If there had some medical condition that emerged, if the doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem," he said.

It is worth noting that there are ongoing debates between 81-year-old Democrat Joe Biden and 78-year-old Republican Donald Trump regarding their opponents' ages and how they affect their ability to lead the country.

US elections

The US presidential elections will be held in November 2024. The Republican Party has already chosen its candidate, Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, as expected.

Joe Biden has not yet been officially selected as the Democratic Party's main candidate for the presidential election. After unsuccessful debates with Trump, Democrats have discussed replacing Biden. According to American media, almost 20 Democrats from the US House of Representatives have urged the current President to withdraw from the race.

US Vice President Kamala Harris could be a likely replacement for Biden in the election. The RBC-Ukraine article provides more about Biden's deputy.