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Hours-long alarms due to MiGs: Zelenskyy reveals Russians' intentions

Hours-long alarms due to MiGs: Zelenskyy reveals Russians' intentions President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Russian occupiers aim to economically paralyze Ukraine and provoke panic among the population by deploying MiG-31K fighter jets carrying Kinzhal missiles into the sky, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's statement.

According to the head of state, the Russians have realized how they can economically paralyze Ukraine and sow a sense of panic among the population through the use of extended air alerts in Ukraine due to the MiG-31K fighter jets.

"(The enemy has realized - Ed) that it's possible to economically paralyze Ukraine and life, and sow a panicked mood among the population. A plane takes off, there's a signal, the plane doesn't launch missiles, it just flies for three hours. Then the alert ends, and the plane takes off again. I understand what they are preparing for," emphasized Zelenskyy.

He mentions that he tasked the military with developing a solution in collaboration with the police for this situation since Russia is preparing to put the entire country in such a deadlock during the winter – from schoolchildren to every worker or student, who won't be able to study properly.

"(The occupiers - Ed.) simply want to push Ukraine into the basement. Technologically, we need to find a way out so that people know when it's most dangerous and when it's Russia's provocation," added the president.

Alarms due to MiGs

During the departure of the Russian MiG-31K fighter jet, which is a carrier of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, an alert is announced throughout Ukraine. This is because the missile's range covers the entire territory of our country.

In recent weeks, the Russians have started to fly their MiGs for several hours. The duration of these flights is explained by the fact that the aircraft refuel while in the air.

Today, on November 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting where he tasked the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Defense, and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to find a solution so that alarms due to MiGs do not paralyze the country.