ua en ru

Heating season in occupied Donetsk this winter faces risk of disruption - NRC

Heating season in occupied Donetsk this winter faces risk of disruption - NRC Russian military in occupied Donetsk (photo: Getty Images)

In temporarily occupied Donetsk, the heating season for 2024/2025 is at risk of disruption. Workers at heating plants in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk region are refusing to come to work due to unpaid wages, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

It is noted that the delay in wage payments for workers at heating plants in the occupied territories of the Donetsk region has been ongoing for several months.

"As a result, preparations for the heating season, which is set to begin in a couple of weeks, are not taking place. Most heating networks are in a state of emergency, and the boilers are not operational," the NRC article states.

The Center also pointed out that reports of wage arrears are being collected at enterprises in the temporarily occupied regions of the Zaporizhzhia region.

"The leaders of these institutions, who willingly collaborated with the enemy, received such instructions from the Russian authorities," the NRC reported.

Previously, it was reported that central heating would not operate this winter in temporarily occupied Mariupol.

Additionally, last winter, most apartment buildings in the occupied part of the Luhansk region were without heating.

Last autumn, the NRC warned that the Russians were unable to ensure the heating season in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.