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Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of France talks on foreign intervention: Russia as main enemy

Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of France talks on foreign intervention: Russia as main enemy French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin (photo:

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, speaking before the Senate's legal committee about the rise in anti-Semitic acts, mentioned foreign interference and referred to the Russian threat as the primary one, according to BFM TV.

"The first threat is the Russian threat. Without a doubt... Russia today is the main enemy (of France) in the information war, aggression on the territory," the official said.

Darmanin cited the case of graffiti with David's stars painted on buildings in the Paris region and in Paris last October as an example of this type of interference, noting that it was the result of Russian proxies.

"This is a form of espionage 2.0, 3.0, with which we must fight because I believe the worst thing about this type is not knowing the origin of these attacks we are suffering on our land," the minister added.

In this case, a Moldovan couple was arrested, and a likely sponsor was identified - a pro-Russian Moldovan businessman.

The Minister of the Interior also noted that Russia not only conducts this information, aggressive war in France. According to him, many Western territories have suffered.

He also added that Russia was not the only country practicing this interference, and there are other Asian states engaged in this work.

Anti-Israeli actions in France and the Russian trace

In November of last year, French police arrested a couple from Moldova for graffiti depicting a Star of David on a school building in Paris. The arrested individuals confessed to doing this at the behest of a Russian citizen.

It should be noted that according to the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin, in France since October 7, when Hamas militants began a massive invasion of Israel, and by the end of the month, 857 anti-Semitic acts had been recorded, 425 individuals associated with such violations had been arrested.

Thus, it is worth recalling that on October 12, in the center of Paris, police and gendarmes dispersed banned pro-Palestinian rallies using tear gas and water cannons.

Earlier on the same day, the Minister of the Interior of France imposed a ban on pro-Palestinian rallies to prevent mass unrest in the country.