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Harris' office has not confirmed meeting with Zelenskyy

Harris' office has not confirmed meeting with Zelenskyy US Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The office of US Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to confirm a potential meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to a senior administration official, there are currently no meetings to announce, citing Voice of America.

Sources familiar with the situation revealed that there are no announced plans for Vice President Harris to participate in the UN General Assembly in New York at this time.

However, as in previous years, Harris may hold meetings with international leaders in Washington, D.C.

Zelenskyy's peace formula

In June, a peace summit based on President Zelenskyy's peace formula was held in Switzerland, with representatives from 100 countries and international organizations in attendance. Ukraine plans to hold a second summit in Saudi Arabia by the end of the year.

According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine aims to maintain control over the captured territory in the Kursk region as part of his "victory plan" to end the war. He plans to present this initiative to international partners, including the US.

Additionally, the Ukrainian president mentioned that Ukraine is working with representatives of both political parties in the United States. The peace plan will be presented to the current US president as well as the two candidates for the office.