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Guterres tells Putin at BRICS summit that Russia's invasion of Ukraine violates UN Charter

Guterres tells Putin at BRICS summit that Russia's invasion of Ukraine violates UN Charter António Guterres, UN Secretary-General (Photo: Getty Images)

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, held a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Kazan. The discussion addressed the issue of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

It is noted that during the meeting with the Kremlin leader, Guterres "reiterated his position that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law."

"He further underlined United Nations support for peace, in line with the remarks he delivered at the BRICS summit," the UN press service stated.

Guterres also described the establishment of freedom of navigation in the Black Sea as "of paramount importance" for Ukraine, Russia, and global food and energy security.

"He fully supports the continuation of negotiations in this regard and expresses his deep appreciation for the work being done by Türkiye," the statement reads.

Participation of the UN Secretary-General in BRICS summit and Ukraine's reaction

It was previously reported that on October 23, UN Secretary-General António Guterres arrived in Kazan (Russia) on the day the three-day BRICS summit began.

Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the Secretary-General's trip to Russia, noting that some officials in the Organization prefer "temptations in Kazan" at the BRICS summit. The head of state added that despite this, the world does not forget the goals and principles of the UN Charter.