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Guerrillas learn of Russian colonel elimination in Crimea

Guerrillas learn of Russian colonel elimination in Crimea Guerrillas learned about the elimination of a Russian colonel during explosions in Crimea (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

A Russian colonel was killed in the explosions in Crimea on January 4. Pro-Kremlin propagandists recognized the elimination of 23 occupiers, including five officers, according to the Atesh guerrilla movement and the Krymskyi Viter Telegram channel.

"As a result, there were several killed and injured. We can confidently say that Colonel Ismagilov will never desecrate Ukrainian land with his presence again," Atesh shares the results of additional intelligence after the strike on the occupiers' military communications unit near Yevpatoria.

Not only the colonel was eliminated

Russian propagandists have recognized the elimination of 23 occupiers after strikes on Crimea on January 4.

"We hit the target. Military facilities in the Saksky district and near Sevastopol were damaged... 23 soldiers were killed at two facilities," Krymskyi Viter quotes one of the Russian propaganda Telegram channels.

In particular, among those killed were 5 high-ranking officers of the Russian Armed Forces and at least 9 special forces officers.

Attack on the Russian military communications unit in Yevpatoria

In addition, according to the guerrillas, the control center responsible for a secure communication channel with the Kremlin, including the coordination of air defense throughout the peninsula, was hit.

"A deep bunker was also hit," they add.

The Russian occupiers are redeploying air defense after the strike

In addition, as Atesh has learned, air defense in Yevpatoria does not work and it will no longer be located in the affected unit in Zatyshne near Yevpatoria.

"According to our information, the surviving equipment is being transferred to the Belbek airfield," the guerrillas say.

Explosions in Crimea on January 4

At about 15:40, an air raid was declared in Sevastopol, temporarily occupied Crimea. Before that, the Russian invaders blocked traffic on the Kerch Bridge.

In addition, for almost an hour, Russians complained of massive rocket fire, and explosions were heard in Sevastopol and Yevpatoria.

Later, the Strategic Communications Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that a command post of the Russian occupation forces had been hit near occupied Sevastopol.