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IAEA chief Grossi to skip Peace Summit on Ukraine

IAEA chief Grossi to skip Peace Summit on Ukraine Photo: IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi (Getty Images)

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, will not attend the Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16, reports Ukrinform.

"No, I will not be participating directly," Grossi said.

He explained that this decision stems from the IAEA's desire "not to mix political considerations with technical job."

"In terms of being very prudent in our approach and not mixing political considerations with our technical job, we are not going to be present there (at the Peace Summit - ed.)," the Director General stated.

However, Grossi has already expressed to the Swiss Foreign Minister his hope that the role of the agency will be discussed at the Summit.

"And the importance and the strengthening of its independent technical work will be supported," he added.

Peace Summit

This weekend, June 15-16, the Global Peace Summit is set to begin in Switzerland.

Over 100 country and government leaders will gather to discuss possible ways to achieve peace in Ukraine based on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's formula.

For more details, see the RBC-Ukraine report.