Goole names best Chrome extentions in 2023

Google continues to sum up the year by highlighting the best Chrome extensions. After selecting the best apps and games on Google Play, as well as analyzing popular search queries, it's now time to explore Chrome extensions, according to Google's official blog.
Here are some notable Chrome extensions in various categories:
For Productivity
Scribe: A service designed to streamline the creation of step-by-step instructions.
DeepL Translate: A popular translator that works with both the text you read and the text you input.
QuillBot: Used for grammar checking and improving text messages.
Sider: Provides a side panel with access to ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude.
Teal: A job search service that tracks companies and vacancies in one convenient place.
For meetings
- Transkriptor: Automatically converts audio recordings into text in 100 languages.
Browser customization
- Bonjourr: Helps customize a beautiful home page without distracting elements.
Accessibility extensions
Speechify: Provides natural text-to-speech with realistic voices.
Equalizer: Allows precise tuning of sounds in your web browser.
For games
Boxel 3D: A platformer puzzle game that requires unconventional thinking.
BTRoblox: Expands the functionality of the Roblox game site by adding additional features.
Price Comparison:
- Coupert: An aggregator of coupons and offers with cashback.
Earlier, it was reported that Google announced Gemini, considered as the largest and most powerful competitor to ChatGPT.