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Germany warns China against supplying military-applicable goods to Russia

Germany warns China against supplying military-applicable goods to Russia German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Photo: wikimedia org)

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck stated that Germany has called on China not to circumvent EU sanctions against Russia, specifically regarding the supply of dual-use goods that can be used for war purposes, according to Bloomberg.

Habeck made the announcement during his visit to Shanghai and after talks with China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Minister of Industry and Technology Jin Zhuanglong in Beijing. He emphasized that the European Union would not accept any evasion of the sanctions imposed on Russia.

"If products that are used in the military complex would no longer be imported from China, this would also help the economic relationship between our two countries," said the Vice Chancellor.

He highlighted that trade between China and Russia had increased by more than 40% last year, with slightly more than half of this growth attributed to energy resources and the rest to dual-use goods.

Habeck added that he raised this issue in talks with Chinese officials after they complained about Germany complicating Chinese investments.

EU sanctions against Russia

It should be noted that the European Union has imposed over 10 packages of sanctions against Russia since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

These sanctions target Russia's energy sector, defense industry, Putin's regime, and the dictator's accomplices. Additionally, Russian assets have been blocked in the EU.

Recently, EU ambassadors agreed on the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. As noted by the EU's chief diplomat Josep Borrell, the sanctions will affect Russia's "defense industry," financial services, energy sector, and those involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children.