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Germany to halve refugee aid next year: Reuters reports

Germany to halve refugee aid next year: Reuters reports Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Germany plans to halve the amount of aid allocated to federal states next year to cover the costs of receiving and integrating refugees. This decision was made as part of measures to reduce budgetary expenses amid rising inflation after several years of generous spending, according to Reuters.

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, over 1 million people found refuge in Germany, and their support has become a burden on cities and municipalities across the country. Sixteen German states are demanding an increase in federal funds to cover refugee expenses next year.

On Monday, Berlin informed the states that in 2024, a maximum of 1.7 billion euros would be allocated for refugee support, compared to 3.75 billion euros this year, according to two government sources who declined to be named due to the confidential nature of the meeting.

The German government did not commit to providing the same level of funding in the coming years as in 2023.

A representative from the Ministry of Finance stated that a meeting between federal government representatives and state governments on these issues, which took place on Monday, yielded no results ahead of planned consultations with the chancellor in November.

"Essentially, the states are responsible for the accommodation and care of refugees. The federal government is aware of the national dimension," the spokesperson added.

The government would withdraw its contribution to the expenses related to the care and integration of Ukrainian refugees, the sources added.

Germany's assistance to Ukraine

Germany is one of the leaders among countries providing military assistance to Ukraine. Ukrainian forces have received tanks like Leopard, air defense systems such as IRIS-T and Patriot, ammunition, vehicles, drones, and various types of artillery from Berlin.

As part of the military aid package from August 17, Germany supplied the Ukrainian Armed Forces with two launchers for the short-range IRIS-T air defense missile system.